Iv tried every trick in the book. And do I really want to continue my next years with more problems. My child has ADHD. My parents demeaned my parenting style and made her "I first" in the house. Making eye contact or deciding what game to play isnt as much of an issue when riding in a car. The children are in counseling but that doesn't seem to be helping. ( and no, I do not feel bad for saying that, I feel sad and hopeless saying it) My son is on the verge of getting kicked out of school ( senior year HS) He just got back from treatment and he's still smoking pot. The officers told my son he was the aggressor & if my husband wanted, he can press charges.. Of course my husband declined but, my son is still being disrespectful to the both of us. When she got home, I completely lost it even though I had tried so hard to keep calm. How to Manage without Going Crazy, Ground Rules for Living with an Adult Child (plus Free Living Agreement), Using Consequences to Maintain Your Parental Authority, Parenting After Divorce: 9 Ways to Parent on Your Own Terms, Kids Who are Verbally Abusive, Part 1: The Creation of a Defiant Child. Child Behavior Problems / Disrespect. Should I go? So, part of turning this around with your son is to find things that he is motivated by, and using those as an incentive to show more effort at school. I blamed myself for years until I realised nothing I did or tried helped. I cook and clean and chauffer everyone and get little to no appreciation. We make him pay for his cell phone and car insurance and specialty foods that he uses for his lunche etc. We also have him and his sister rotate kitchen every other week, do their laundry and keep their rooms/ bathroom in order. She does it right in front of people too. Take. One could tell the nacho cheese chips were Trader Joes brand. They are loved and cared for and they have all that a kid could need/want. Sometimes too charges can hook hum up with anger management help. I know there is a lot of info now available on bullying for kids who're getting bullied on how to deal w/ it. She makes fun of me. My 6 YO is a sweet child by nature. You can find more tips on how to do this in. It doesn't matter what I say to him he has a smart a$$ answer for everything. But it seems like maybe you should have him join some other groups. My son told me last night he's upset because he feels he has no friends. Hi I am having problems with my daughter and friendships and would love to know how your children are now 5 years on ? I work two jobs, and have two younger girls. This is his first year at Nanuet Middle School(we moved from Westchester where he attended private school). We also couldn't get her to participate in anything positive or negative, except for Star Wars and Pokmon Might be worth getting him evaluated. Teach your kid for who they are, as this is the best way to initiate their social skills development process. 12 year old has no friends and is unhappy at school, 12 year old daughter can't keep her friends. They honestly aren't out to get you as much as it seems like they are. The school is really trying hard to work with us.. they said we are doing everything possible that we as parents can do.. but ultimately it's up to him. Like birds they start to spread their wings to feel their "size". Your future self will thank you. Completely humiliated, I took away her cell phone and went home. for you so you feel used it's family that only works one way so stop being a doormat don't do a thing unless you can do it without feeling used. So I tend to overcompensate and be TOO lax about things because high stress gives me panic attacks. Want pediatric news, kid-friendly recipes and parenting tips?Sign up for our patient parent newsletter: The NCQA is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health They go on trips once a week, sports & water activities, swimming etc. They don't believe anything I tell them so now with this happening, I hope he will think about it. Can't cope with 16 year old son anymore. She told me to never speak in that tone to her again--defiantly-- and that my back talking was asking for it. My husband and I are struggling with the fact that our teenage daughter has no friends. We dont have slot of friends who have kids around his age and he has no cousins! Backtalk complaints arguments attitude just plain ignoring you. Video Categories: TEEN, Social Life, Friends, Health and Development, Therapy and Support <> Embed Codes Both are suffering from anxiety and depression and so I have both going to weekly therapy but its almosy empowered them to speak their minds even more than before. is wrong, let your child know that regardless of how they feel, they still need to find a way to act appropriately. Some of them include: 1) A unique and individualistic personality: When a child is an introvert, an "outside the box" thinker or someone who doesn't readily run with the crowd, it's often more of a challenge to make meaningful friendships. However, what happens next time he does something wrong - will he be honest again?? One would not drink 7Up, only Sprite. My 12-year-old, going on 13, doesn't seem to have any close friends. every question posted on our website. I received a call from the School Nurse this morning and she informed me that he had an accident and now has a large scrape on the side of his face. I am having a hard time understanding and putting up with the behavior of my 18 year old daughter. You can reach them by calling 0808 800 2222 or by logging onto their website. kids, technology is the norm for EVERYTHING. I am single parent. Setting clear rules, and limits and holding her accountable in a calm business-like way when she, doesnt follow the rules, will be more effective than personalizing her, behavior as a sign of disrespect towards you. Believe me if he did it once with no consequence he will keep doing it. She asked if I would be coming to pick him up, so I asked if there was anything wrong with his hands? I have always been a single mom, and the dad is no longer even in this country. I'm leaning towards a universal level of respect that applies to all human beings as well as her mother instead of just making it about respecting me. It is as if I am suddenly her enemy. Im back to "arrggg I cant be bothered anymore".. when is it going to end.. Hi my 11 year old daughter has developed a horrible attitude towards me she calls me names tells me she hates me swears at me and says she hates her life I try to control these situations without too much shouting and upset but my boyfriend who lives with us thinks Im being too soft and I should make her respect me , its causing a terrible rift between us all and I feel like Im just trying to keep the peace and keep everyone happy but its telling on me now , my boyfriend told me last night that he cant live here anymore because Im not doing anything to solve the situation please help. Tell him you love him, but you don't like his behaviour sometimes. Mea culpa). It's getting worst. I encourage you to do your best not to personalize your daughters behavior. This morning in the kitchen, she said " I can't get into this now, but I'm sorry." I realize that the pressure of leaving the nest and going to college might be getting to her. Ask him how he felt after this incident? I have a 16 year old daughter that is driving me nuts. I need help because I feel its only to get worse as she didn't enter hs yet. The message your child hears is: ifyou think someone is wrong, then you have a right to be rude. son. Hello Moms, My husband blocked the hit & hit my son in the face/ eye which caused his eye to close up & become blood shot * not an black eye * my son called the police & when they came out, my son told the officers he called my husband out & punched him in his face. Sincerely, Jane. If you can't let an eighteen year old live more independently, may I suggest some of the issues are your own? He really didn't do all the typical things young teens do at the ages between 13-17. He is the nicest, down to earth kid and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. I try not to compare them, especially because he is no longer with us. I have insisted he will lose the car if he is high driving and he has in fact lost the car at times which never bothers him. discussion. anger, irritability, arguing, defiance, and vindictiveness toward you above, nothing has changed. The . My 12 year old daughter is in year 7 and has real friendship troubles. Some of them need to sleep with the lights on after horror movies. We met when they were both newborns and she's been my ride or die for nearly a decade. Kids are just like adults: constant correction breeds resentment. I struggled with him, but not trying to cause a seen as his twisting my hand I let the phone go. Originally Published: May 19, 2015 For his birthday, I let my 12-year-old have six of his friends spend the night. I could hardly work he would call me at the job and just cry and cry. He wont do anything you ask him wuthout a screaming match & now he has started to lie about things silly things but ge never usually would have lied. If you yell or use sarcasm, your son is more likely to copy your behavior. It sounds like you interfere with his business too much. She's been diagnosed with depression and is on Prozac (which I really don't care for) but the Dr insist she needs it to function around society. Apologies I am ranting. I told her I deserved better as a mother and Im just a general person. Also important is that he can come to feel comfortable in his new place (and these kids may soon want to become friends w/ him) and with himself in dealing w/ this until the behavior stops. I still work out of the home, so I can't supervise him. That's what scares me the most. Provide emotional support and teach problem-solving skills. No, wait. Here's what I learned during their sleepover party about his particular demographic: They never talk about girls. I just never understand how she can be so mean, nasty and krewl. Last week one of the boys took a rubber band with paper attached to the end & hit my son in the forehead twice. rule that it comes into my possession at 9 pm every night. I have told him no weed smoking in my house at all. Maybe youre thinking, Look, my kid is constantly disrespectful. Through feeling and learning about pain he can become later a social healer. When you side with your child, in effect joining them in disrespectful behavior, youre showing them that you dont have to be respectful to someone you disagree with. Recently he told me that he feels very uncomfortable when he is at school and around other kids. Each time that, the military or goes to college. in his article, https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/my-child-thinks-hes-the-boss-how-to-get-back-control-of-your-home/. ), I understand why they did it. I got there late my first meeting I missed since elementary. What does taking your childs side have to do with disrespectful behavior? They can give you information on the types of support services available in your area such as counselors, support groups, kinship services as well as various other resources. I tried all type of methods. I feel for both of you. permanently. She used to be such a sweet girl and now no one wants to be near her anymore as she's so difficult. It's a worldwide stigma that we should try to avoid and not jump onto the bandwagon. For his birthday, I let my 12-year-old have six of his friends spend the night. He is 15 she is 16. She threw them across the lawn. They can not deal with him either. Tell him how you're feeling and ask him what you can both do to make life easier for you both. He has no friends in school! container.appendChild(ins); PLEASE HELP!!! Create a secure account with Empowering Parents I offered to make them breakfast the next day. Hi im naomi (50) my son italo (16) is a lazy son and he seems to think that world revolves around him. I don't agree with tiger parenting, rather I believe in a well rounded and balanced upbringing. And here we are, a 14 and 17 year old who treat me so terribly I have to get away from them and cry in my bedroom. But this is what I live often behavior like this. If those kids see your son around other kids / people they will soon back off!! Kids respond well to praise. He has his own car, a gift from my ex. 08-31-2017 01:50 PM. He has suffered greatly over the past few years from bullying at school. How could she like seeing me cry or break down when I just cant take it anymore. So depressed, 12 year old daughter School refusal and anxiety, 12 year old has no friends and is unhappy at school. Anyone has been dealing with the same issue? It's very hurtful because I give them my last and go above and beyond for them. Without a mattress or a pad or anything. This is why i'm not sure how to react. Reading all these posts puts so much into perspective. These bullies started out as friends but then began bullying him. Keep in mind, healthy relationships do include some conflict. Our case should be the beta in total disrespect. The baby came into my care and the insanity started again. I am SICK over how he has turned out because I know I did not raise him that way. Anything is fair game for a debate. I'm Exhausted and I work nights on top of that! I did not reply. Both our kids (Maria and Tim) are stubborn, smart, bossy, and sensitive. I have three kids. In fact I encouraged her to have a social life as long as she kept up with her grades and acted responsibly. If its your house then its your rules and if yjey dont like it then they can walk out the door (which they will soon realise just how much they need you and find out 90% of their so called friends arent so great after all). Disconnecting in this way can help to diffuse a, situation and keep it from escalating. She replied, No. James Lehman, author of the https://www.empoweringparents.com/product/total-transformation-program/ program, talks more about how to regain control in your home. Learn more. ~ Dan, peaced reigned until she had a child that was apprehended. Parents concerned about their child having disagreements with friends. I know a family member who has went to conventions since her early teens and met a huge amount of people there, all of which she is now close friends with. I told her that I loved her and the rest of the family loves her but she needs to start respecting me and others as people. We have dealt with bullying sleepless nights etc over him building friendship groups etc. 12 answers / Last post: 21/01/2023 at 7:10 am Anonymous 24/02/2015 at 12:48 am My son is 18 in a few weeks. I can count on my fingers the number of times she babysat for kids. she already is in a difficult situation socially with all that is going on with her friends and school so really i think i have just got to take a back seat and let her sort things out herself. You and your fiancee might find some additional helpful tips in. Of course you can, but now and then put your child on equal grounds and try to handle things as if this human being were like you. I have put her to counseling, very small change happened but loo less compared to the money that is being spent for counseling. Parents have to role model better behavior for their kids. figure things out. Since then, it's been a downhill spiral with my kids. We've tried reasoning with him like any human being should be able to do but his mindset and reasoning is anything but practical. Just find ways to handle that emotion away from interactions with your child, if possible. She had also placed a post it on my purse that said:"I'm sorry. What kind of 16-yr-old is like that? My father demanded respect and good behavior. I knew it was wrong but for some reason I was always worried about hurting her feelings. I can say, he does have a good side, and he can be really sweet. We have given him times we wanted him home and he refuses to confirm and comes in when he wants. At this point, I encourage you to set very clear limits around his abusive and volatile behavior as described in https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/when-kids-get-violent-theres-no-excuse-for-abuse/. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Usually she remain awake till 2.am and goes to bed late and get up scolding us. What else should I do? Disrespectful Child or Teen? I screamed at her and said she treated me like a stone that has no feelings. Im sorry to hear about the struggles you are experiencing, with your son, and Im glad that you are here.Because your son is an adult, anything you provide to him is considered, a privilege, including a place to sleep.At this point, it might be helpful to determine what your expectations, are for your son as an adult child living with you.James Lehman outlines this in his article, series on living with adult children; here is the first article in the series: https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/rules-boundaries-and-older-children-part-i/.Please be sure to write back and let us know how things are going for, Im so sorry to hear about the threats, verbal abuse and intimidation you, are experiencing from your son each day.You do not deserve to be treated this way.Furthermore, you have a right to feel safe in, might act innocent when around others, I encourage you to develop a plan to, pointed out in https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/signs-of-parental-abuse-what-to-do-when-your-child-or-teen-hits-you/, it can be, useful to work with local supports to develop this plan.This might include your sons doctor, local crisis, response services, domestic violence services and/or law enforcement.I recognize how challenging this situation. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; One thing that's important to keep in mind is that your role as parent shifted a bit when your son turned 18, from manager to more of a consultant, as Debbie Pincus points out in her article. I will turn the WiFi off if she doesnt close the computer after her time is over. Their son opened up to the counselor and was scolded for it by his mother and now he doesn't want to open up anymore. Suicidal at times and I can't figure out why. It was so heartbreaking. another 100 grand out the window if he can't make it to graduation. 14 is four years from 18. I am just saddened that she has no friends. From that perspective. But if you cant demand their respect, how can you possibly stop them from acting so badly? Well the school informed that my son signed his IEP already and they were going to leave it as last years. An Internet Brands company. He allows friends in my house when I am not home. Sometime you just have to take a step back in family relationships to go 2 steps forward and reap the rewards later, it cant always be clear cut be always forward forward forward. One benefit of this approach is that your child will most likely encounter plenty of people in his adult life he disagrees with. I'm so distraught this morning that I've called off work. I requested that he sat down for a moment so I could discuss what transpired in my absence. Nobody has ever got through to her. Our teens are helped to death by the system that's all there is out there let them scrape their knees once in a while. Invite children to talk about their feelings. She's never been the type to cuss in front of me but all a sudden this year she says whatever she is thinking to me (even though she knows how I feel about cussing in general). Her grades are really good and she is on course for doing well. She has since gotten WAY better. My son continued to outburst as I talking to my child. Please help! She has told her younger sister that she hates her on many occasions. For this age group, it may be more effective to encourage activities like volunteering, working a part-time job, taking extra classes, or involvement in band, sports, or drama. The eye rolling and attitude is off the charts. Since he is interested in basketball, as you said he plays a bit, maybe he can join a basketball team outside of school. Learning how to get along with peers is an important skill. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; At some point you must tell him that physical contact and violence is absolutely not acceptable. Until 3 or 4 months ago, I've had issues but not like I have now. She stays in her room all day barely eats because she's picky I'm scared she going to get sick, she's not doing that good in school. I am not talking to them at ALL right now. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. a Poster Child until she turned 18 then she turned into a total Brat as well as Lazy.She talks to me daily BUT its always to find out information or if she can use this or if I can do this for Her etc,always one sided so i dont get angry as I play "Gee,I dont know" she is a 4.0 Grad and she is too lazy to search online for answers.If she were to sit and talk with me once in a while about anything it would be great but it wont happen as she feels "Entitled" and doing Chores is Below Her Standards.Oh the Chores?Empty the Dishwasher and take out the Trash.Its always the same thing,she never does it or will intentionally Re Start the Dishwasher saying "Oh they are Dirty".When she senses my asking again she is gone.So that fine,live in my House,eat my Food,watch my Cable TV Flatscreens all over the house and continue acting the Princess that she is as reality will soon come as I plan to throw her to the Curb.This girlpays nothing yet wants more and more.Sure I can afford it but I wont budge.She takes 12 Credit Hours in College (that Ive Paid for) and feels she is a Full time Student,cant work and needs to study.No Reality as she spends maybe 9 Hours in Classes per week.Now let me fast fwd.June she introduced her Boyfriend she met on "Tinder" yes this is correct,he is 21 and went to Community College but now cant afford it so between My Princess and Her mom He resides in my Home as i was informed after the fact and he will "only be here until he finds a Roomate" Well,while she is having Fun under the Sheets in his room they both get up around noon but I have to say He comes from a bad home and is very respectful but still sleeping in my Home as a Couple Im furious and have different feelings of Her.I really dislike the sight of her.She isnt my biological Daughter but I brought her up since 6 years old and have given her a wonderful life.I plan on moving the Both of them out soon as I feel disrespected,taken advantage of and Im tired of her mouthing off,maybe if she deserved it I may feel differently but she doesnt.My Wife has caused all of this as she never speaks up or backs me when I discipline her.So,she can leave with her I dont care at this point.Im Disabled and these two clowns wll watch me sweat and be in pain outside working in the yard while they are under ice cold air cooking Breakfast at Noon,not even asking if I need help or a Glass of Water.Reality will set in soon as I hold the Cards and i will wish her luck! No parental involvement necessary. gotten into some "normal" teenage behavior issues but all in all isn't a bad kid. Pre-teen brains during this time undergo a growth spurt and remodeling of sorts, but the part of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, thinking about consequences, solving problems, and controlling impulses the prefrontal cortex isnt quite finished developing. Kids can feel powerless in the face of rules and expectations, andtalking back and showing disrespect is one way they try to take some power back. I don't know how to handle her anymore and make our home a happier place. They talk about me to their friends and other family. She is a bright, clever, friendly girl who is brilliant at art. It doesn't seem to bother him." 59 likes, 9 comments - Melissa | blogger (@ourrealrarelife) on Instagram: "*from Firefly blog* The other day my oldest son and I were talking about the state of the world, ." Melissa | blogger on Instagram: "*from Firefly blog* The other day my oldest son and I were talking about the state of the world, and I mentioned how lucky we were that . Teens naturally seek more independence as they get older, and mild disrespect is one way that independence gets expressed. By the way, I live in Tomkins Cove, not so far from Nanuet. While its ultimately going to be a personal decision as to whether you allow him to continue living with you, you can look at ways that you can enforce your boundaries in the meantime. I have 3 boys and some are more social than others but yes, that happens, your son may not socializing with others as much as you want him to. He is sweet and loving, but totally without goals or aspirations. Try it for a while if you like. He passed away just over a year and a half ago at 9 3/4 years in August 2018. 10-23-2018 So you know whatI have Been feeling bad. I feel he is getting the worse end of the stick every time he does the right thing and the daughter gets the praise for her actions instead of consequences. must be for you, and I wish you all the best moving forward.Take care. There are a number of reasons kids may have trouble making friends, and (though this is by no means an exhaustive list) they often fall into two general categories: Some kids are simply shy. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Now my 5 year old back talks, ignores when asked to do something, and disrespects adult authority. Thank you again because your post re-affirms my decision to move him for sixth form despite his school being educationally excellent. Tell him you love him but he will have to stand on his two feet. I gave one of the girls my phone and asked her to please take a photo of my daughter with me and my husband. In the video, Holder's 6-year-old son . No I'm sorry but not demanding respect from them from the start, made them have none for me. Because of this daily torture entire family is affected, we cant do anything cant even look at our financials properly as it is all the time a continuous struggle. Sometimes I get excited or sing out load and she tells me to stop. I Wish You Were Dead! When Kids Say Hurtful Things, Disrespectful Kids and Teens: 5 Rules to Help You Handle Their Behavior, Adult Children Living at Home? I just want to give up. I felt bad for him, but I was also kind of glad that this happened. You make some suggestions as to what you both could have done differently to resolve that incident, and what can be done to make sure he changes his behaviour. attitude towards me (only me though) and all I have ever done was wanted more for her than I had growing up. My husband blames me and says that I have sheltered her too much which is why she isn't independent enough (she is an only child. My 13 year old son is so exhausting to be parent, so insulting and ungrateful and disrespectful, that I often don't enjoy being around him. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. your concerns with your daughter. Those behaviors are often an attempt to, pull you into a power struggle and try to get you to give in on the limits you, are setting. I really feel like I don't like him sometimes. He doesn't though and always had gotten a chip on his shoulder when he does something wrong and gets called out for it. If he went to private school then he maybe his friends there had a different focus and he hasnt found anyone his age like that .. give it some time.. better he not just be friends for the wrong reason. I do everything at home, they dnt sleep hungry because of me. give to those outside of a direct parenting role. It helps to know that I'm not the only one with an unruly child. Maybe he needs to speak with someone other than his mother about what has been happening to him when he tries to make friends. (I admit the last part was a jab at her, too.) almost 18 and a HS Senior. She won't do anything around the house and won't pick up after herself. Please seek the support of local resources as needed. She has a friend who she spends lots of time with - cinema, swimming, sleepovers the usual fun. He has no interest in driving, or even in girls. Take care. But after we moved to another country (from chile to south africa) he has only brought brought in friends that look like drug users. My daughter is fed up and tells me so. Were always here to help. My son is all I have and I would do anything to protect him, but it's at the point he won't even tell me if they do something to him because he knows I'll go to the parents. This will give his soul the needed strength to overcome every situation he will meet in the future. what do you do with 12 year old/holidays? It is breaking my heart seeing that he has no one to call and no one ever calls him. His outside sleeping on my porch as I writing this. Problem today is the bad influence of movies and tv. She used to do everything she could to appease him thinking it was all her fault but now she's completely done with dealing with him. Yes, they are kids, but they are also humans and near adults. Respect is something you earn. They respect me and treat me what I am worth. Teens have to transition from that stage of child to adult and want to know about the world, their boundaries, what they can do, what there is. they have plans im worried. When a child breaks a rule, it can sometimes, be a challenge not to take it as a sign of disrespect towards you. He expects us to let him do what he wants, when he wants with no argument. We are very confident nothing will help him as we are just counting down the time until he is 18 and has to fend for himself. behavior is a mimic of her mother's behavior towards her father. Ask him how he is, press him a little to open up. In open court last week she told the probation officer she had 80's out of date hair and a beer belly. Even though I recognize how much it hurts, this is not about you as much as it is about your daughter having ineffective https://www.empoweringparents.com/blog/stressed-out-kids-5-coping-skills-you-can-teach-them/she might be experiencing. ins.style.width = '100%'; I have really really tried to give him my best and to be the best dad I can. Parenting an introverted child can be confusing, especially if you are an extrovert. 1. replace qualified medical or mental health assessments. My daughter instructed her teammate not take the photo. We have had confrontations and him leaving home without permission, that required me calling the Police. (It could help w/ the kids who're giving him the negative attention too- to see him w/ his friends). Wedged between boyhood and manhood, my son and his friends live in this transitional space, and theyre more than OK with that. They could say they'd seen something or another neighbor for instance to keep your speaking w/ them anonymous. That might help. Of course, I don't want him in the streets. about her not being his "stepmom" and I've never pushed it. then I realized that he is interacting with his friends through computer games. As I said to her as long as these things are mine and I pay for them, I choose who gets to use them and when. She always wants me to do something with her, I try as much as i can but I have things I have to do too. on, and hold her accountable with a https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/using-consequences-to-maintain-your-parental-authority/, if needed. Assess whether your child is shy or introverted, or possibly has learning/attention challenges. Then came the time when the seniors had to take a photo with their respective parents. I walking to exit the school. I often feel like a prisoner in my own home and walking on eggshells around her. Childhood is when we first learn how to build friendships. My 13 year old son ( who is my only child) is extremely shy with kids his age. your family. You can read more about this in our article series https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/why-consequences-arent-enough-part-1-how-to-coach-your-child-to-better-behavior/ and https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/why-consequences-arent-enough-part-2-making-child-behavior-changes-that-last/. If they can drag you into an argument, thats even better: now youre arguing about respect instead of focusing on their curfew or their homework! As a teen, he's just getting more hateful. 2023 WebMD LLC. I no longer have the income to do this and she is aware. Good luck! I was never rude or disrespectful to my mom at this age. Discipline doesn't work. I got to go. I am very friendly and outgoing and I, not afraid to be myself. I nearly called the police or adolescent psych unit. An attorney for an 11-year-old Mississippi boy who was shot by a police officer after he called 911 for help said Thursday there was "no way" the boy could have been mistaken for an adult. My 12 year old son has the same exact problems! It utterly drains me. I grew up watching Leave it to Beaver and the kids were always polite and respectful. It's easy to say, yes, be the parent all the time! She thinks the best piece of food should go to her, if she likes she can have all. Take care. high school. Hi just wondering if this situation is any better my daughter feels the exact same way as yours and its so hurtful I dont no how to help her or what to do, has anything worked thank you. Its when your kid treats people badly while refusing to comply with expectations that you need to jump in and correct the behavior. I need counselling for my son. My 12 year old daughter is in year 7 and has real friendship troubles. I told her she didn't need to call it garbage and immediately she went on about how I was talking back and being rude and disrespectful. 2 Happiness comes from having a healthy social life. She behaves nice only at shopping malls when she needs something to be purchased for her. 9 Ways to Change Their Attitude, Disrespectful Kids: How to Get Your Child or Teen to Behave with Respect, Rudeness and Disrespect: How Kids Try to "Defuse" It. She is the sweetest person when she needs me to accompany her to the mall and buy her clothes or take her on trips but the minute we are back home she reverts to being her old self. If there's anything you can do, it is to make sure you have good communication with your son which is for pre-teen, show your interest and care without bugging too much. Tell him stories about people who overcame their stumbling blocks. You can ask children what steps they think would help the situation and let them brainstorm. He doesn't seem to want to help himself although he is capable. I felt so heart broken that I left the table FURIOUS without eating, and went to my son's room and cried. He mainly played video games endlessly hardly ever leaving his room. I never stopped her from going out with her friends. never liked school, even back to Kindergarten. My stepmom called it garbage and I couldn't help feel that resentment all over again. He says he has lots of school friends but he never invites them round or arranges to meet any of them. My son is a teenager and very very smart. Hopefully this is the turn around for both of us. We really do try and believe in him and give him chances but he continually lets us down to the point that this is our last option, with a number of challenging behaviors, and rather than trying to address them, all, it can be most helpful to focus on only the one or two most significant or, disruptive behaviors, such as verbal or physical abuse, and ignoring behaviors, such as blaming and slamming the door. And no unlike the show, if its five years later its five years later. He spent a lot of time with her and it also was his first intimate relationship also. I hope this helps to answer your, question. She was emancipated at 13 and has been on her own till she met me at 19. And I would not let a boy stay in my house undet any circumstances. Even so they might be painful. She might be noticeably different, either physically or intellectually. As pointed out in https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/parenting-rules-and-expectations-but-everyone-else-is-doing-it/, it can be useful to get information from other parents instead of solely from your daughter. I just don't know what to do anymore I love him with every bit of me but I feel myself disliking the child he's becoming and that breaks my heart because I just want a good relationship where he respects me and also makes me feel loved like I show him. That number could rise because a few companies are still to report their earnings. While these things are annoying, they arent necessarily something to correct. Listen attentively rather than rushing to give advice. She does not want anyone near her, cannot even sit in same room as her without her kicking off, so I often leave her alone as she can become quite aggressive. sometimes I think your better off not having anything..Our system is So screwed up. Sign up for our newsletter and get immediate access to a FREE eBook. I know my son hurts inside because I hurt for him. Once she understood my rules it got worse but within a couple weeks it got better. I also encourage you to limit the amount of time your son is spending unsupervised until he can demonstrate more appropriate behavior outside of your home. getting your kids up for school wouldnt be your responsibility per se. I wish you the best with this because dealing with difficilt children when your spouse and you are not on the same page is very stressful and frustrating. 12 year old daughter School refusal and anxiety. I truly believed that if I was kind and loving to my kids they would appreciate that and have respect for me that way. He seems to do everything he can in his power to upset us. 10-23-2018 disorders or offer recommendations on which treatment plan is best for Arguments are often based on misinformation. Reading posts from teens on here has given me a huge insight, so thank you for posting. 12 Year Old Has No Friends. I know youve been working on controlling your temper when youre annoyed. I cant find his ipad that he needs for school in which im still paying for so im pressuming hes sold it, my bike that cost alot of money that he was using, missing!!. Remember, stay focused on the behavior, and leave the feelings alone. encourage you to continue to do so. I had alot of problems with my lad in year 7, still in year 7. Im just not sure what to do. Sometimes parents are part of the problem. Your sympathy and understanding can help them feel less alone. There are a few reasons why your kid has difficulty keeping friends. There are many reasons why a child may not have many, or any, friends. It is a hard age, but he needs to work this out himself. James Lehmantalks about ignoring the little disrespectful things your child does especially if shes otherwise complying with your rules. If I do try, she will throw anything bad that's happened in her life at me and blame me for it all. Socialization is difficult when you move at any ageand it is the million dollar question too. Im so angry with her and I dont know if I will ever get over this feeling. I have always taught that to my kids, but as I am experiencing a fair share of "rebellious" attitude, do I remember what I said? Megan Devine, an Empowering, Parents author, has a great article entitled https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/how-to-create-a-culture-of-accountability-in-your-home/, that talks more about, how to get started. Take care. Doesnt listen to anyone in the house. As for he grades, he went from A's & B's to C's most D's. Then she said "Why did you come, I didn't want you to come." Thank you for your kind words and understanding as you have the same struggles. No discipline or boundaries - she sometimes get up as late as 2pmextremely defiant.You cant tell her anything, she will start yelling and abusing.And even Violent. My 12 year old is mean with the nastiest attitude ever. Remember, theyre watching you, even if they dont seem like they care what you do. PLEASE HELP I FEEL LIKE I CANT CONTROL THE SITUATION AND NOT SURE WHAT HELP HE NNEDS. I have an 18yr old daughter who drives me to despair, I don't even know how to talk to her anymore. My husband has also said how unhappy he is in our family and how it is mostly my fault for letting this go on for so long. My daughter is so cruel at times I cannot believe she is my daughter. Hello@Den007, thanks for sharing your experience with us here. I feel heartbroken as i don't know what to do. If you never acknowledge the times he manages to control his behavior, he may just stop trying. I can't even go to work some days and then she is just relentless and mad because then she has no alone time. I also caution you (and other too)not to devulge too much info about yourself online- we now know where your son goes to school and where you are living- information best given as a pm, not in a public forum. We get on very well but she has done this once before. My son still doesn't have any friends, there's about 3 boys his age in the complex where we live (Jeanne Marie Gardens) but they pick on my son all the time. Don't look back and regret it like I did. You are still his teacher, show him how you are overcoming your own pain. Wait, what? Im tired of his constant selfish decisions. He said he didn't know who hit him(which I didn't buy that story) so I called the school and they watch the tape from the bus to make a long story short this kid has been removed from the bus for the rest of the school year (which is not good enough for me, sorry). Hi Im also having issues with my daughter and friendship it seems shes being totally left out of the group and feels she has no friends and doesnt know why its heartbreaking any advice would be great. My dad's friend keeps shipping me with his 12 year old son, it's so uncomfortable like he keeps telling his son that I'm his 'girlfriend' I'm almost 19 it's making me uncomfy. I am so glad to found this thread. It breaks my heart everyday knowing I didn't raise him this way. after them. But you are right I need to talk to them before hand on the changes. This page may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if you click through and make a purchase.All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. The truth is, neither you nor your child has to agree with someone to treat them respectfully. I know I should forgive her, but this time she truly crossed the line. I can never find him at his friends. She had 24 hours to apologize for her rude behavior, but instead continued to be rude and cruel. Where I blame myself though is that I never pushed her hard enough to get out there and get a part time Job. something your child is capable of doing on his/her own. These holiday seasons he started rebelling against my fiance and her family for some reason, and I've tried to get him under controll and have insisted that he stop being disrespectful to her. We have to know where to be strict and where to let off because when they are 17 and asking for their opinions to be respected, we have to. Do you think I coupd talk to his school counselor and ask for help? I think maybe I was too soft on him and perhaps didn't have strong enough boundaries when he was younger. I said she was an ungrateful pig. Identify why your child has no friends at school by reaching out to your child's school teacher. Well, she's not struggling. limited in the advice and suggestions we can give to those outside of a direct parenting role. if i keep asking her about it then it drags it on at home as well as school and probably will make is worse for longer. Telling lie is very common. His mind is just not there to have a talk about the importance of raising a decent, responsible kid. I try to teach them tough love but that hurts. Today she is 16+, once very sweet and intelligent girl now is disrespectful - utters disgusting slang, name calling without remorse to me, grandmother. ( We have him drug tested) Our hands get tied legally because he's only 17. 12 suspensions, 2 different high schools in 2 different states. I used to think I was crazy but now have seen how living with them both did that. If were lucky, some of those relationships can last a lifetime. But they are not ready to fly yet. Is it still my duty as a parent to wake them up and take them to school. But, I am convinced that he put things in my kids heads that is making them act out. I'm embarrassed, humiliated, and financially ruined. Does tough love mean locking your child out??? So what do you do if your child is struggling to make friends, shying away, or being rejected by other children? He left before I knew that. I took my fathers aproach as i did my own kids and after a few year of sticking to guns i have a great relearionship with my son and his attitude flipped to being more reponsible and walking the F&ck Up. When Children with ADHD Have No Friends: Social Skills Help Dear ADDitude Dear ADDitude: My Child Doesn't Have Any Friends "My 8-year-old is happy and friendly, but he doesn't play with anyone at recess and doesn't like to work in groups. I feel guilty and yet there is a strange peace in our house without her there. There was no reason for him to be at home. We cannot diagnose Like a combination of stinky cheese, Fritos and mildew. We were warned but it didnt seem possible till now. teens behavior to change relatively quickly, How to Respond to Disrespectful Children and Teens, Motivating Underachievers Part I: When Your Child Says I Dont Care, you give in as a result of your daughters behavior. In her article https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/learned-helplessness-are-you-doing-too-much-for-your-child/ Debbie Pincus suggests, one way of answering this question is by asking yourself whether or not its. On the way to an activity, try to keep the conversation about the activity itself and not the social moves you hope your child will make. I told her she deserves more for herself. His nature has always been naturally mean (He criticizes and demeans people frequently), and while we've been able to curb some of his mean behaviors towards others, nothing has changed with me. My 14 year old son has no friends, and I'm worried. My husband says it is my fault for letting her talk disrespectfully to me for so long and he says I do too much for her. I am now going to start to not focus on the negative, but try to accentuate the positive, it won't always work, but at least it is the right step forward. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); I thought that I had responded to that but I dont see it listed. Eye rolling, scoffing, smirking those are all tools in the teenage arsenal that convey their disregard. Although we keep telling him when he's 18 he's out the door. Thanks for understanding that things can be worse. Their presence reminds me to roll with my own periods of extreme changeand that I should wash my socks from time to time. He tells me. demanding they do things to show respect). Hes mean and unpleasant for certain family members to be around. Teacher told him to take it off and he said no it's not far if they all wear a hat and I can't. or other complaints from each and every parent ..i am depressed .i dont know hw to handle him its really a challenging to change him, he behaves properly in front of us at home but when he is out side he doesnt have self controll ..he is just 7yrs old ..plz plz plz i request you to suggest me some solutions .. but rather shows that he needs more skills to interact with other kids appropriately. It could be very helpful in his transitioning so he can have a sense of where he came from and if they could visit w/ him in your new apt.- sleepovers and day visits, would be very good for him to integrate his life in Westchester into his life now in Nanuet. You need to know that it does not get out of hand and that your child is safe. I don't want to hold a grudge and am a firm believer in forgiveness, but what happens when your child crosses the line? She will feel comfortable because it's an environment she is familiar with. Good luck everyone with your kids, and the kids dealing with troubles of being a teen - the issues may look slightly different, but we have all gone through it in different forms, maybe as adults we need to start thinking before opening our mouths. But, I can't blame it all on him. Never a B. I told her she was better than that. at her 9 year old sister and hits her. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. She has a friend who she spends lots of time with - cinema, swimming, sleepovers the usual fun. I'm buying a house that is outside the school district he's currently attending but promised that I would keep him in this home so he can graduate high-school with his friends. She has no friends out of school either, there was a girl across the road that used to come round alot and then she stopped! Check out the schools anti bullying policy etc. I was furious because she disrespected me in such way. It is so hard being a parent, especially solo parent. Today, is the first day that I stood up for myself. Do what you guys want, but i say dont torture yourself and give your kids a sense that they are right for the fear of giving them a percieved feeling of sadness. So, sometimes we just have to take a step back and ask ourselves if we are inhibiting them from growing or we are inhibiting them from making a mistake. Do your best to show them the way it should be done. We will not share your information with anyone. Another can rake a whole yard in seven minutes. I cant sleep because of the emotion mental breakdown im afraid im going to have. Coma-like. I have come home again today to have a friend greet me at my own door and his room smelling like complete weed. One kid slept through a highly competitive game of Nerf basketball being played right above him. Put into prospective we see that there really is not much time between these numbers. Because of this, adolescents use more of the part of the brain called the amygdala, which is associated with emotions, impulsive reactions, aggression, and instinctive behavior. I. That's what parents do, right. He has always been taught to be honest, and while I think the punishment was a little severe (there wasn't a complaint made! Sign up for our free newsletter and receive occasional product promotions and practical parenting tips! We told him that he had to pay the first two yrs to prove he is serious then we would give him his tuition that we have already paid for. var ffid = 2; I have been so depressed lately, it is really messing with all aspects of my life. She doesn't like going out much either and spends alot of time in her room. I don't know what to do. They also have options to communicate via text, email, and live chat which you can find on their website, http://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/ We wish you the best going forward. I just cant do it anymore. Is grounding him and/or taking his truck away from him the right thing to do? Please be sure to write back and let us know how things are going for you and your family. Be sure to check back and let us know how things are going. One boasted that he can make quesadillas. ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Spending time together on a regular basis doesnt guarantee your child will make friends with the other children in the carpool, but it can help him or her feel less isolated. He doent want to do anything with the family unless it is something he wants/ likes. We lost my father-in-law at Christmas and I know this hit him hard. Should I worry about this? It is sad to say but I try not to be around her as much and can't wait for her to go to college in the fall (which she keep saying she doesn't want to do because she is scared to leave). Heres what I learned during their sleepover party about his particular demographic: Or they are very, very, very secretive and use code words so it sounds like they are talking about video games. They have tried counseling but nothing seems to help. Another resource which might be more useful to you is the Boys Town National Hotline, which you can reach by calling 1-800-448-3000, 24/7. What you can do, however, is to expect her to behave in respectful ways, no matter how she might be feeling. Write back and regret it like I did or tried helped about the importance of a... I deserved better as a mother and im just a general person sign up for our FREE newsletter get! Signed his IEP already and they were both newborns and she is.! 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